Make in either Gold or Silver finish. Use the same finish for all of the supplies noted with a (*). Remember if you are making more than 1 Angel to Increase the supplies needed. This makes a lovely pendant or pachage decoration as well as earrings for an inexpensive gift. Make it in various sizes by increasing bead sizes such as 6mm with a 12mm head.
1. Take the 18" piece of 28 gauge wire and thread it through the inner loop of the hoop so that you have half of it to work with on each side. Do not bring this up tight against the loop. See Fig. 2
2. Refer to Fig. 2 and slip the bead caps on both wires as shown with one cap up and one cap down for the halo effect, add the 6mm pearl for the head.
3. Separate the two wires and add a 3mm pearl to the right wire, bring the left wire through from the opposite side. Look closely at Fig. 2 Bring this up tight against the 6mm pearl.
4. With the left wire add 3 - 3mm pearls and a seed bead, turn the wire and bo back through the 3 - 3mm pearls, repeat on the right side, these are the arms of our angel. See Fig. 2.
5. You are now ready to start the body. In our drawings, for clarification, we have omitted the view of the hoop but it is still there. See Fig. 3 which shows the addition of the next two 3mm pearls for the next row and going crossways through the pearls with each wire in a ladder effect. On the Third body row add 3 - 3mm pearls. On the Fourth body row add 4 - 3mm pearls. On the Fifth body row add 5 - 3mm pearls. On the Sixth body row add 6 - 3mm pearls. This completes the body of our Angel. Please note to make a larger Angel at this point you would continue adding rows to the body of the Angel in the same manner.
6. Refer to Fig. 4 and work the wire back up each side going through the loops until you have reached the second row of body pearls working on the back side of the Angel. Thread 16 - 3mm plated beads to form the right wing as shown in Fig 4. Twist the wire as tightly as possible and leave for a moment. Fashion the other wing in the same manor, be certain to work the ends of the wires into the bead work before trimming off as close as possible. Your LITTLEST ANGEL is now complete.